When summer is TOO hot in Brussels, Belgium

united_kingdomIt happens, Sometimes, On the background of a season-less Belgium (to be read “continuous autumn/or spring”) there are a FEW days of sun and unbearable temperatures.

Summer of 2014 in Brussels: a few days ago (in JULY) I turned on the heat in the house, because outside it was very cold and rainy and I was freezing in the house. Now, all of the sudden (still JULY) is so hot that I would swim in a pool of ice. You gotta love Belgium! 😀

romania_flagSe mai intampla, uneori, ca pe fundalul Belgiei fara anotimpuri, de-a lungul unei vesnici toamne (sau primaveri) sa vina cate un val de caldura si soare.

In urma cu cateva zile dadeam drumul la caldura, pentru ca afara era foarte frig, ploua in continuu, iar in casa inghetam.

Iar acum E FOARTE CAAAALD si un soare puternic!!!! Copiii in costume de baie se joaca la fantanile din Piata Flagey, iar adultii stau sub copaci, in parcuri, la iarba verde.

 fountain flagey ixellesChildren in bathing-suits playing in water at Flagey Place, in Ixelles, Brussels / Copii se joaca in Piata Flagey in Brussels

water flagey brussels children playing

pizza in park ixelles flagey

pizza picnicixelles park flagey bruxelles

This hot weather makes you want to go in a beautiful vacation, right? It surely reminds me of beautiful places I’ve seen during my last summers: